I came back tonight delighted that the Spirit (I believe) opened up an opportunity for conversation and prayer. Sometimes, when you least expect him to work. He pops up and moves in his own way. The art for us to be ready to respond and act when that happens.
Yesterday morning when I decided to read through the book of Malachi using Eugene Peterson’s The Message (my current favorite Bible to read stuff in one sitting!) Then load of passages just came of the page and started re-shaping me again! I love that when it happens …
Then this morning, I thought of getting a leather bound of the Message at the NavPress bookstore here. I was halted (I’m sure May Chin would be happy to read this) and they said come later in December during the sales time. The extra bonus was that I found copies of Renovation of the Heart (hardcover) priced at RM49 (previously RM95) … it’s like I should bring a few for BLC pilgrims to consider getting the book at this great buy (at least BLC library will surely get one)! But more important is this whole discussion on Renovation of the heart is relevant to us here and now.
Read an article due in Mustard Seed and was blessed at how God may use a simple Renovation of our premises to achieve his main agenda in our lives – the stuff that really matters. Surprised that GOD will do this? no … Surprised on how he chose to do this? yes …
Keep on Surprising us HOLY SPIRIT …