Gareth’s welcome has been very warm indeed. He’s grown quite a bit after one month. There are some areas that will require more fatherly discipline from my side (but that’s for another day). It’s just been great for father and son to reconnect after such a long separation from each other.
Ah yes! Must not forget to mention my one and only wife May Chin who has “persevered” much when her husband (me!) was running from one plane to another, walking from one Luther site to another, and sitting through loads of lectures and working groups, etc. As always, she’s been keeping the “stability” and “organization” of the home in tact. There’s so much going on in Gareth’s development now and then there’s always other expectations at work plus neverending lists of things to take care of. I really do appreciate God’s special gift to me …
“Home” is more than the place we reside in, it’s the people whom we live with and share our lives with. I recall before I left for Germany I was told that I’ll be separated from two important life-support systems of my life – i.e. family and church. The last few days has been wonderful to just get glued back closer with family. Yesterday, the re-orientation with the BLC family began as well with a good start. As usual, the creative work of God is constant and continuing … 🙂