Long before reading Brian McLaren’s A Generous OrthodoxyI found this little book at the STM library in Seremban (SPCK books are hard to find here) and Dr. Nigel G. Wright rocked me pretty hard (for which I’m grateful). I thought of borrowing the book again to see how I’d react to it now after 4 years.
Here’s what it’s about:
“The gospel we profess is the most radical power on earth, reaching to the depths of our personal, social and political existence. It needs a radical people to embody and proclaim it. This book examines the nature of evangelical theology, dealing with areas of persistent disagreement and controversy, such as the status of the Bible, the nature of Christ’s achievement on the cross, the meaning of ‘hell’, and offers a new way forward which remains committed to the fundamentals of faith, while retaining a flexible response to the challenges of the future.”