I’m looking forward to speak-facilitate-have fun-engage-in-conversations with a bunch of medical and pharmacy students tomorrow and Saturday. Their Christian fellowship president highlighted more than once in an email … they are not nerds. Now I’m wondering whether I am one 🙂 Just got two emails the last two days asking for my bio information ……
Day: May 5, 2005
The Harambee Podcast
Thanks to Rudy Carrasco for making this podcast available where Andrew Jones talks about “emerging church”. Some notes by Charles Wear. go ahead and click on and download this MP3
Random Thoughts around Midnight
Elysia has been really “good” the last few days … and those little giggles and smiles have been awesome. The inquisitive look or frown is “cool” too … I think May Chin is really going to miss the last two months of “nourishment” where she spent so much time with the kids .. especially our…