Elysia has been really “good” the last few days … and those little giggles and smiles have been awesome. The inquisitive look or frown is “cool” too … I think May Chin is really going to miss the last two months of “nourishment” where she spent so much time with the kids .. especially our new born daughter.
It’s interesting today when someone asked me about “emergent” .. and my first Malaysianized answer seemed to be OK. It basicallyed fumbled and revolved around exploring the Gospel within our given context, and seeking to understand what does it mean to “be” and “do” church, re-opening up questions on evangelism, discipleship, structures, change, leadership, etc .. I shared basically it’s what drew me in the conversation was more on ecclesiological and missiological concerns and I wasn’t too “entangled” by epistemological discussions (even though I felt they were still important). I guess, it’s more of the order of importance and focus that I was trying to get at. nice to get to know a new friend ..
I totally enjoyed listening to 12 chapters of the Book of Revelation being read in one of our LiFe Groups today … it took us around 40 minutes. It’s quite a different and I think more rewarding experience when one hears the words than just merely reading them with our eyes.
I was delightfully surprised to hear of another couple thinking of marriage … wow!
I’m happy for another friend who just safely delivered her first baby!
I thoroughly enjoyed a long awaited “solitude” time this morning … and hope to catch another one before I plunge into a Christian Fellowship camp I’m speaking during the weekend.
There’s still more than one pending stuff … on my mind and shoulder … I’m really surviving by God’s grace … and the patience of others 🙂
Ah .. my hair is dry now … so it’s time to sleep … I want to smile like Elysia in my sleep tonight 🙂 So, often we adults don’t know how to sleep properly .. “… and the children will indeed lead the way!”