Ideas for Being Formative
Good stuff for small groups … Will try one each this weekend!
A Wind that Swirls Everywhere
I haven’t managed to finish Amos Yong’s books yet … but he’s one cutting-edge Pentecostal scholar to pay attention to. And he’s from Malaysia 🙂
Religious Pluralism : A Turn to the Holy Spirit
“Is it possible that God works graciously outside the boundaries of Christianity through the universal presence and activity of the Holy Spirit?” this questions came up in some conversations I had with people last week.
blogging as spiritual formation
“the blog moves the journal past the merely personal and inward pursuit and invites others into the journey, becoming a communal process. Theological reflection is necessarily a communal process, and an intimate component of community life for apprentices of Jesus.”
Insight Into the Next Generation
Good starting point to ask questions into our own context.
Journal of Scriptural Reasoning Forum
A feast of “stuff” ready to overload the curious mind.
Ten propositions on hell
“What is hell? Hell cannot be known in and of itself. As a negative to a positive, hell can only be known as the antithesis of heaven. Heaven is life with God, hell is existence without God.” That was the first proposition … ready for the rest?
The Lausanne Covenant: An Exposition and Commentary by John Stott
Read through this tonight … while May Chin was watching a TV series 🙂 Lots to digest here.
The Manila Manifesto
Followed up with another reading … while May Chin was finishing the TV series.
Milestones in Protestant Ecumenical Missionary Thinking from the 1970s to the 1990s
accidently bumped into this … good background reading.