A simplified summary of John H. Yoder’s classic book: The Politics of Jesus by Nathan Hobby with James Patton One of our church members was hoping to introduce some of Yoder’s key ideas to a LiFe Group. I found the appendixes helpful. This link provides a little more info. Ten Propositions on the Resurrection Easter…
Day: March 22, 2007
Two Hands in Evangelism
Since we in the East still have to wrestle with what we have inherited from the West , some of the insights from Prof. Abraham rings true for us too here in C. S. Lewis & the Conversion of the West. Consider the following: _________________________________________ “… I think there are two hands in evangelism, one…
中 庸 – The Doctrine of the Mean
There’s much to chew on in these classic texts. The Doctrine of the Mean brought up some hidden surprises which in some sense gave me words of some of the intuitive approaches I’ve already been using unaware. Some excerpts to jump start my brain juices and heart currents: _________________________________________ Zhongyong I. 3. “莫見乎隱,莫顯乎微,故君子慎其獨也。 There is…