A simplified summary of John H. Yoder’s classic book: The Politics of Jesus by Nathan Hobby with James Patton
One of our church members was hoping to introduce some of Yoder’s key ideas to a LiFe Group. I found the appendixes helpful. This link provides a little more info.
Ten Propositions on the Resurrection
Easter is coming.
On Being a Global Christian
Good to hear a scholar in USA highlighting this point.
Unless A Seed Falls (HT: Emergent Village)
I saw a Michael Frost book in a LiFe Group yesterday 🙂
Ten propositions on sin
I’ve always appreciated the Ten proposition series.
No more Jesus discoveries (HT: Maggi Dawn)
I resonate with what Maggi said in her post … “At one level I can quite see that I should get involved in these conversations. People find them interesting, and they expect me to have a view. But my daily work in theology and ministry is SO MUCH MORE interesting than a cul-de-sac conversation about a popular novel or an ambiguous archeological debate.”
Universal Particularities?
Sherman gets excited and launches into a series of all things contextual … 🙂