The Micah Mandate is the "result of the concerns and aspirations of a group of Christians who are praying that all Malaysians in general and Christian Malaysians in particular will be more constructively engaged in matters of social conscience, public service and nation building rather than to only remain in comfortable armchairs criticising other people and institutions".
Please allow me to introduce the initiators of this effort through their own words. And a glimpse of what they look like. We’ll start with the most energetic ones first (Pictures taken at our first meeting)! The two younger ones after that … 🙂
MICAH 6.8: JUSTICE, MERCY, HUMILITY by Peter YoungThe Bible contains many brief instructions concerning the conduct which God, the Father of Jesus Christ, both expects and demands of his followers. One of these is given to us in Micah 6:8
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GETTING INVOLVED by Goh Keat PengThe principle remains true. If I want something or believe in a cause, I must put my shoulder to the plough and join with others to make it happen.
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Apology: Our Future lies in redeeming our past by Bob TeohApology, I’m sorry to say, is a troublesome word indeed. The word takes on an extended nuance and is associated with other synonyms. Hence, “apology” applies to an expression of regret for a mistake or wrong with implied admission of guilt or fault. Which definition does Hisham fall under?
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DO SOMETHING by Sivin KitAll little "do somethings" is part of the bigger puzzle and hopefully a chain reaction of hopeful change that’s so needed in a time where empty promises are in the air.
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THE WORD BECAME FLESH by Ting Moy HongIt was 1988. I was doing my chambering when the Malaysian Bar called for an emergency general meeting in response to the dire judicial crisis facing our nation.
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The Micah Mandate is a Christian-based public interest advocacy that seeks a transformation of our nation through justice, mercy and humility (cf. Micah 6:8, The Holy Bible).
We believe that every individual person is made in the image of God and should be held in high esteem regardless of social status, political affiliation, gender, race, creed, or religion.
We subscribe to a participatory constitutional monarchy where fundamental civil liberties and the human rights of every individual are respected and safeguarded.
We want to encourage a citizen-based brand of journalism whereby individuals and groups of individuals of all walks of life will find space to express their views and concerns and be engaged in a dialogue with others.
We uphold the Rukunegara, or our five canons of nationhood, as our national philosophy:
- Belief in God
- Loyalty to King and Country
- The Supremacy of our Constitution
- The Rule of Law
- Civility and Morality
In pursuit of these aims, we seek to partner like-minded Civil Society groups and individuals to contribute to a transformation of our nation. We believe this is possible when ordinary individuals begin to desire first to be transformed themselves.
The initiators of Micah Mandate are:
(Rev) Peter Young, Bob Teoh, (Rev) Sivin Kit, (Rev) Ting Moy Hong and Goh Keat Peng.
These individuals are involved in Micah Mandate in their own individual capacities. Like all others, if and when their writings and comments are posted on Micah Mandate, they alone are responsible for their respective views and in no way are they representing other institutions which they may be associated with.