I’m enjoying myself working on my Masters of Theology papers (that’s why the blogging has been less frequent – might just repost some of the stuff from the papers!). The path has led me to consider the relationship between the Trinity and the Church – Trinitarian Ecclesiology. A friendly professor pointed me to this Eastern Orthodox Theologian.
John Zizioulas or John (Zizioulas) of Pergamon
I think I should consider using a new way of reference: Sivin (Kit) of Bangsar/Kuala Lumpur? 🙂
Resources for Christian Theology (Archive for the ‘John Zizioulas’ Category)
Looks like I will refer to this pretty often.
Quick sample of his writings.
The essence of sin is the fear of the Other, which is part of the rejection of God. Once the affirmation of the “self” is realized through the rejection and not the acceptance of the Other – this is what Adam chose in his freedom to do – it is only natural and inevitable for the other to become an enemy and a threat. Reconciliation with God is a necessary pre-condition for reconciliation with any “other.”
Lessons on Christian Dogmatics
Awesome notes that were taken from the lectures of Professor I. Zizioulas (current Metropolitan of Pergamus and Chairman of the Athens Academy) at the Poemantic Division of the Thessaloniki University’s School of Theology, during the academic year 1984-1985.