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Day: January 3, 2005
N.T. Wright BBC – Radio 3 Interview
It would be interesting how some of our own Malaysian or Asian Bishops-theologians-church leaders would perform in a Radio Interview. Here’s a conversation between Tom Wright and Joan Bakewell.
N.T. Wright on Christmas & the Da Vinci Code
I was intrigued that the bestselling fiction book according to MPH Malaysia is still the Da Vinci Code (and the book seems to be generatinga lot of discussion and controversy and I heard some seminars coming up in KL/PJ to respond to it.) Here’s NT Wright’s take on this in his pieace, Cracking the Christmas…
Post Tsunami N.T. Wright Commentary
Thanks to Subvergence for NT Wright’s commentary after the Tsunami Tragedy. (subvergence says “his response to be much warmer, empathetic and reasonable than the cold and calloused response” by another popular author.) Hmm … I personally resonate more with N.T. Wright after reflecting on how I shared the Sunday message yesterday.