*Updated: I respaced the paragraphs after realising how unpleasing to the eyes they are – the medium is the message* Thanks to Alwyn for being the faster one to post his thoughts here on NECF-EMO Chat and David-hedonese sharing his feelings on That’s Not ‘Generous’… I’ll start by trying to work on a Disclaimer 🙂…
Day: November 25, 2005
Another “eMo” Meeting …TOMORROW!
as you can see we’re very much trying to get organized *grin* Date: Saturday 26 November 2005 Time: 10am-12pm Venue: 43 Meazzanine Floor SS2/64 47300 P.J (It is in SS2. Same row as Salvation and Evangel. Just one floor up from the England Optical outlet. ) For those who are not sure how to go…
Random Thoughts During online LiFE Chat!
I love mash potatos .. I had potatos for lunch, potatos for dinner (but not mash lah!) in the Chinese style with pork! awesome! we are talking about the Book of Habakkuk (for the text check Habakkuk 1 TNIV (Today’s New International Version) Some interesting insights popping up … like (all from different ppl): ”…