The hosts in Germany have been very kind to me .. exposing me to the variety of Bavarian specialties …. often we eat at home …. I had some snacks in my room, and Malaysian Maggi Mee just in case 😛 I did my own fushion once *smile* and have grown used to the more…
Day: November 20, 2006
Quick Thoughts in the Room 312 Bed
It’s nice to be back after sleeping in another bed for two days. Now, I’m back to where I started November 2. How time flies. It’s one more week left in Germany. I found myself tickled when I was arranging some pictures of some of the food and beverages I’ve had thus far. There’s been…
Keeping in Touch
[Video Call with the Kits I] Thanks to Skype … we could still be in touch … for quite a number of times already. We just need to time ourselves a little bit. These video calls made being away a little easier … just a little.
Singing Grace
[Singing Grace Johannes Style Video] This is the video I promised in an earlier post. I loved little Johannes’ energy and enthusiasm as he led us every time before a meal 🙂 This unofficial episodes are pleasant surprises!
Which type of Blogger are you?
You scored as The Photographer. You don�t care about words. The function of your blog is basically, a photo displayer. A little more than an album, because by posting photos in your blog you KNOW that others will see them. You take photos of yourself, of your pets, of everything. Everytime you go out you…
What World Leader Are You?
What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by I did this for fun before I get ready to blog again after being a way for some time. I was surprised by the results. I think I’m far from the “Mother Theresa” Ideal … 🙂 May be the 10Euro Beer + Chinese noodles I had has…