Face to faith (HT: Si Johnston)
Bishop Tom Wright always has a way to grab your attention … “When Easter stops being a surprise, it stops being Easter. … “
The Season of Easter
This will raise some eyebrows and provide food for thought in terms of “contextualization” …“Easter is an English word derives from the name of a Germanic goddess, and you wont get any argument from me if you think the word should be deprecated because of its association with pagan fertility rites.” (please read the whole link before jumping into conclusions)
Tips & ideas: Easter: 50 Days & Sundays, too
My take away insight: “A wonderful part of the richness of Easter to enjoy with children is light and candles. From the first fire, lit before the beginning of the Easter vigil, to the Paschal candle, the altar candles, and our baptismal candles, light is a sign and symbol that can be enjoyed and noticed to lay the groundwork for later intellectual understanding.”
Journaling as a Spiritual Practice for Easter
A Thought a day for the 50days of Easter
Hallelujah! π
Thanks for the links – most appreciated!
EJ, you are welcome … thanks for helping us keep some sanity with your blogging. π