This is a great picture with some great guys with fitting t-shirts.
Confession: I know I haven’t been blogging much. The reason is simple. I’ve been tweeting 😛 Plus, I have been doing more writing academically for my Master’s papers. And the reality is I’ve been quite involved in more speaking, coordinating, and doing then writing 🙂
I’m reading for some coffee now.
The coffee is good.
I’m looking forward to reengage back into writing the final paper and finishing off the MTheol.
Kids are growing fast. Everyone of them.
2009 has been another more than eventful year with quite a number of memorable experiences.
I need to update my Facebook photo albums.
Looking forward to the arrival of the book on Trinity I ordered.
The interaction between different representatives from a variety of religions will be most interesting. At least one civil society point of view will chip in!
It will be great to have one more event at the Father’s house, Bangsar. I miss our original home tremendously.
2010 will be another fascinating year.
I don’t know the details but based on where I’m heading it will lack no boredom!
As for the life of blogging, let’s see what will happen.