“BLC oozes passion!” was such an encouragement some one gave us. I know we aren’t really that passionate all the time … but this phrase ignites more passion in me at least!
Translating from one language to another is quite an uphill task. One needs to first understand what the author is trying to convey, process it in your mind and then re-convey it into a language desired.
Had two wonderful LIFE Group meetings last night and Tuesday. When the Spirit is getting through and the Scripture comes alive and touches our lives, WOW! He’s on the move and we move with him!
Got a strange call about dispute amongst friends.
Sad to hear some are overwhelmed by “whatever” (fill in the blanks) and community life tends to give way. A great challenge on pacing ourselves and mastering self.
Unimpressed by people who want to impress. It’s yucks!
The communication between individual A and individual B is quite a simple and yet complex process. If one insists to read the others statements based on their own agenda, then no communication actually happends. It’s just an exchange of words not thoughts and feelings. Or worse it’s a totally wrong communication process at work. And no body is getting anywhere. Both may use the same language, but the use of language in communication is more than grammar and vocabulary, it’s about reasopn and imagination, it’s about meaning.
I find hunger for GOD in the most surprising of circumstances, and in the most unexpected places. This hunger expressed is what motivates me to keep on serving!
Bored with what’s playing on the Radio.
Became a listener and enjoyed it. The bonus was extra wisdom …
Looking forward to a lecture at Council of Churches Malaysia Office on “Incarnational Model of the church” by a Professor Lo Lung Kwong of Hong Kong. Was thinking about doing something more related to Eccelsiology (the Doctrine of the Church) for my Mtheol. Hmmm?
Was delighted to see the lights go on for two people this week after the reading the Winn Griffin article on STORY. Exciting!
AYALI sounds Eastern …. but it’s Asian Youth Ambassador Leadership Institute. Agreed to Ryan to teach for two days on “Developing Vision”. Vision is what I see now as well as what I see in the future. It’s knowing where I am now and where I’m heading. It’s about location as well as direction. Cool sounding stuff … thank God for some material I got months ago. Sorting time!
Caught the C.S. Lewis bug right now. Having a triplet feast of Mere Christianity, the Great Divorce and the Screwtape letters. Plus, lots of desert after downloading the C.S. Lewis Institute Newsletter.
Tokai guitar back home.
Can’t stand “disconnected” and senseless (or non-sensical) story-telling and moviemaking! Arghhhhhhh …
Missed too many Toastmasters meetings … already lost touch. Not good.
Happy for a friend, he’s a new daddy. Cheers!
Opened another can of Pringles …
Read a youngsters blog … quite a mind at work at such a young age.
This is getting too long …
I feel better!