well … first, I’m deighted to still be connected (oh! the wonders of the internet!) Secondly, the bus ride was fantastic and the second link to S’pore from Malaysia is so much smoother then the one I’m more familiar with. Third, we get to go to S’pore’s Famous Zoo free on Monday! yeah! (especially after looking at the amount of sitting, reading, listening & thinking I’ll be going through the next week!) This Asian Mission Conference is heavy weight indeed!
I’m staying in a single student room in Trinity Theological College (TTC) at Upper Bukit Timah Road. The facilities here are good. We just finished a simple tea reception at 4:30 and some orientation at 5pm.
During the bus journey, I managed to read two chapters of Crossing the Bridge (church leadership in a time of change) by Alan J. Roxburgh. I felt very energized with the way he presented the ideas and found the message, metaphors and models the book explores to be a tremendous help in my own wrestling of what church leadership means in the context where I serve now!
Dinner time! Must get ready for Lamin Sanneh tonight!