It all started when my younger college-studying friend Wai Nyan wanted to start a Project on Romans So he started a Forum … which included the discussions on Romans and other issues, it turned out the discussion on “Homosexuality” is really on the move (possibly going out of control). My purpose of joining the forum is twofold. One, to simply listen to what some Malaysian younger friends are thinking. Two, to play a part to encourage “Integrative”-“Christ-Centred”-Scripture-formed”-“Spirit-led” Thinking (what a mouthful)
Dear Pastor,
We’ve never met, but I’m a friend of Wai Nyan’s on Project Romans and just wanted you to know that your input and insight as a Malaysian pastor is very much appreciated! I follow your blog from time to time, and share your interest in the Emerging Church, though I guess I’m a little more cautious about it.
Thanks again!
pastor, how did you get the picture of the forums from my website and post that section into your blog?