Gun-shots in the air, blasting away coupled with reloads. Some kind of chinese music too .. I turned around oh it’s a chinese strategy game.
Mostly young fellas here at this time, except me:-) no phone line at mom’s place, no wi-fi equipped cafe nearby, thus… the Internet Cafe (which has no coffee actually … dunno what to call it then) is the only choice.
Still not in tip top health.
Delighted that a close friend jumped into Blogworld. Will ask permission before linking him … because it feels pretty secretive… haha!
Gareth is learning how to be taken care with by my Mum (Grandma Kit), it’s a learning curve and I’m just standing by. Yesterday was the first round at P.J. Today is round 2 at Ampang.
Need to get back into Rhythm … it’s not easy but necessary.
Looking forward to BLC’s 4th Anniversary dinner on the 23rd May 2004 Sunday 6.30pm.
I’ve been jolted back into seriously thinking how Evangelism works out after the news of Todd Hunter taking up the leadership of AlphaUSA and some email interactions with him. Some ideas bubbling around the word & metaphor “gateway”.
Am also finding it hard to get into rhythm of late and agree that it is not easy, but necessary-
Have read Ecclesiastes and now Job. Job is jolting me back into some sort of action, whilst the Lord is still showing some sort of mercy-
PS- Does that mean Aunty is having a bit of a holiday this week, then? How neat it all is.