I just realized It was Thanksgiving day for USA yesterday. Inspired by Tom Reindl’s list of 50. I’ll try 5 for this last week.
1. Had a wonderful time munching Pringles (the more authentic version we got at Jaya Supermarket) with May Chin on Monday night.
2. Gareth recovered from a scary episode of coughing, vomiting and nose/throat infection on Sunday & Monday. He’s happily pushing chairs again now!
3. I got a needed good sleep last night and I doubt I’ll be falling sick 🙂
4. It was simply wonderful to just listen and pray for someone really in need this week. The chance to show & share God’s good news to dispell “burdensome” & “imprisoning” advice given by well-meaning but misguided individuals was liberating.
5. A two in one here – first, it’s great to get Two 2005 planners from STM (I can begin to look forward the next year while closing the chapters for 2004) and second, the music I’m listening to right now is bringing much wholeness and healing.
Thanks Sivin!! Hey, I hope Gareth is doing much better, and I hope everyone else stays healthy, YOU TOO!! Good day to you.