I’m going to have a fun day today … just like Gareth in this picture. I’m introducing him from young to the pleasures of potato chips or “Crisps” (That’s the way I said it when I was in UK!)
when it turns December 1 tomorrow, the roller coaster ride of ministry will plunge into excitement … wedding rehearsals, speaking on Sundays (the usual), two youth camps, Christmas caroling atb MPH midvalley and Bangsar Village, visiting Rumah Hope, Emergent Malaysia Christmas tea party (on the 18th December, contact me if you are interested), our own new year and christmas party, etc. It’s ok to have more activity for a change, why not? Let’s enjoy the ride …
Will make my return back to Toastmaster’s Bangsar tonight … looking forward to reconnect with many of my friends who aren’t Christians. And of course, I need to pay up my dues! Hopefully, I can finish of another 10 speeches in 2005.
My understanding of humanity has deepened. For that I give thanks … and thus worth some celebration 😛
It’s been some time since I drove the little Kanchil car … and I was surprised by some noises coming out. I’ll refrain from trying too hard to make a life application here. It’s a random thoughts section.
Had a pretty good look at Baby No.2’s face through ultra sound last saturday. Awesome. Had another look at May Chin … and AWESOME too!
Nice to do a post without any links for a change ….
Got two emails yesterday and today. One from a new friend and contact who’s involved with holistic mission. Another from Gareth’s international Godmother who’s just started her Campus/college ministry. Will blog about them more another time … two people involved in two areas of that energize my passion!
I really appreciated some simple words yesterday … they somehow lifted me to a different place of serenity. Thanks to my friend in Sutton.
I didn’t know you were expecting!! Congratulations!! Gareth is so cute!! But hey, aren’t those chips almost as big as he is? 🙂