When I came back from Port Dickson last week I was delighted to see this Christmas tree set up. It’s kind of our way of preparing for Christmas and the kids love it – especially Gareth.
After the camp I’ve hardly had any rest … first there was a meeting for settling some dates for 2006 lay leaders and pastors trainin followed by a pretty long denominational EXCO meeting until the evening.
This morning we continued the EXCO meeting and then had a special pastors forum and Christmas lunch organized by the new Bishop as well as a special meeting which ended at 6pm.
I started sneezing a while ago .. my body is aching a little … I thank God that I’m doinng ok after a 6 days 5 nights camp, a wedding dinner, Sunday preaching, and two long days of meeting. The whole being is crying out for REST tomorrow before another round of excitment.
There’s much to blog actually but I can only manage some random thoughts right now. NOthing too intelligent 🙂
I’ve been getting quite a few invitations to speak for year 2006. I haven’t even started thinking about next year yet as far as outside speaking or teaching is concerned. It’s great to know that people feel I might be suitable for their topics or I have something to contribute to any conversations … but there’s also the reality of my limitations. I’m growing more accustomed to say “Sorry I can’t make it …” (without feeling guilty) – perhaps it’s a sign of maturity 😛 ? Of course, this frees me to say YES to what i can do.
I was also encouraged yesterday when I was chatting with some one and felt that I could connect with a Christian who feels “lost”. There seems to be more of them these days. I wonder why?
I was telling May Chin as we were stepping into our home … I find it hard to relate to those “know-it-all”-“I’m-better-than-you” Christians. And it’s true I find myself very comfortable with honest, authentic non-Christians or Christians who admit their “lostness”.
Planning to catch up with some movies starting with Narnia tomorrow.