I was pretty happy we could gather all the members of the Kit Family for a Christmas dinner at our place. It’s always hard to get my Dad and my brother due to their unique professions and working schedules.
May Chin cooked up quite a bit of stuff … The Peking Duck which was ordered from one of the hotels was a special “mouthwatering”, “oily” and “lovely” addition! Awesome duck I must say.
It’s always great to see our kids interact with their grandparents. And since they seldom see my Dad, it’s good to see Elysia and him having a good time. John my brother almost couldn’t make it because he had a “show” to do .. but he managed to sqeeze the evening for us (even though he was extremey tired). he also stuffed himself with Peking Duck and more!
Well, after a good meal and time together what else can you do but … sleep! Dad who’s an “old timer” art director and my brother John who’s a professional clown, street magician, and whatever that’s part of this entertainment industry .. have one thing in common. They can sleep anywhere when they are exhausted!
Must drop by your home one day … Glad to see you had such a fun Christmas.