I’m not into “controversies” … I find it draining. And yet I know perhaps I will still need to face them when they come.
so far, I’ve only deleted comments that are “spam” and also one or two where someone else was accused of something I don’t know anything about. Yesterday, I upon the advice of a friend pressed the delete button for a comment which I didn’t really expect.
Now, the thought was brought to me whether this was my way of censorship. I suppose it is. I’m not sure. But when I pressed delete it was mainly because – I’m tired and I don’t have energy for controversies over the internet – it’s just me at this stage at this time. (as for the latest deleted comment, I managed to have a civil email exchange which I think was helpful and cleared some points)
This doesn’t mean that I won’t respectfully engage in rigorous discussion, disagreement or even debate. I think I will when I find that I need to. It’s just that right now … i feel I need to focus my energies elsewhere.
I was struck my this passage during one of the LiFE Groups I visited today, from 1 John 4.20-21.(NLT)
“If someone says, “I love God,” but hates a Christian brother or sister,[b] that person is a liar; for if we don’t love people we can see, how can we love God, whom we have not seen? And God himself has commanded that we must love not only him but our Christian brothers and sisters, too.”
I found it interesting when one person said that the application should extend to those who are not Christians because since we believe in one God then he’s their creator too. I liked that.
Strange that I find that at times it seems maybe easier to love those who are not Christians because somehow the expectations are different. Perhaps the most unkind and arrogant behaviormay actually come from our Christian brothers and sisters – worse is when it’s flavoured with Christian jargon and supposedly a more superior posture. That’s when the above verses are really put to the test. Of course, each persons experience of the “other” who is unlike them is always unique. We are all guilty. We are all works in progress. A long way to go …
On to something more beyond …
apparently there’s lots going on here Vox Populi: Loh Seng Kok vs Umno Youth. These are much bigger issues that my petty ones 🙂
again and again I find myself “drawn” into deeper reflection on issues that maybe just floating in my consciousness but now requiring immediate attention because face to face encounters make a big big difference. The urgency is greater.
this is one of the first nights I’ve come home to find everyone already asleep. They must be tired.
wow! this month a lot has been spent on the little green car I’m driving 🙁 OUCH!
being religious and looking religious or even sounding religious is not the same with Christ-likeness. This reality is beginning to sink in deeper.
Dwelling on the whole book of Hebrews has been good the last two days. Found this Our Man In Heaven: An exposition of the Epistle to the Hebrews helpful. I’m beginning to get a better understanding of Jesus as our High Priest and how that relates to us.
The last two weeks, this one whole chunk reading of an epistle has been delightful exegetically & theologically and very spiritually uplifting.
Back to journalling a bit more.
Two appointments with two men were fruitful yesterday.
and now for NEO.