I symphatize with Japan but the Socceroos made an amazing comeback! AUSTRALIA 3-1 JAPAN
It’s nice to have the whole day with Gareth today. There were some “Hi’s” and “Low’s”. We had a good afternoon nap. Both of us needed it!
Elysia’s got some new vocab today!
I got two calls today … both aren’t “great news” (in fact it could be defined as “bad news”). My prayer is for “good news” to emerge …
Haven’t got back the Blogging rhythm back. Some one asked me where have I been? 🙂 I’m slowly coming back.
Interesting “breakfast” conversation this morning reflecting on some “phenomena” in our Malaysian Christianity especially in the youth scene. How does one deal with a kind of “over-aggresive” display of one kind of spirituality over other forms? And if one doesn’t go with the “flow”, what’s the price? losing friends? Then why is our friendship based on whether we go with “one kind of flow” compared to giving the freedom and respect for us to express our spirituality in a different form or flow? I thought our friendship to one another is based on our common friendship to Jesus right? Of course, right now I’m thinking in a interdenominational context.
Random thoughts flowing here …
Then again … I might need to pause here … help Gareth sleep first.
somehow, your ‘conversation’ resonates my personal reflection over the reality of the youth scene where i reside as well.
how would one (youth) be able to protect and defend freedom, integrity and individuality; the respect for us to express our spirituality in a different form or flow when all these elements are totally foreign to one’s spiritual formation today. what is a different form and flow anyway? can there be a different form? is spirituality something to be practised or does it boil down to what one believes in? practising spirituality? Spirituality and religion? sacredness? one hardly find in sunday school today a decent DISCUSSION on what to make out of a gospel that originally came to the outcast, the poor, the oppressed, which this same gospel has now come to be a ‘gift’ offered through the hands of the accepted, the rich and ‘oppressors’ today.
and how about images like the Virgin Birth (which by the way is not any different from a single mother walking around church today, refusing counseling and claiming that God was the one who impregnated her), the Cross, The Resurrection, The Divinity of Christ, the Son of God and all other basic images of the Christian traditions? how can one live one’s life in light of all these images?
What else then can it come down to?