“… the feast of the Blessed Trinity, it is not an invitation to theological speculation about three persons in one God. Rather it recalls the experience of Jesus, our brother. He spoke of himself as a beloved son, as one who does not send himself but is sent on a mission, and as being joined by the Holy Spirit to the Father (this was the metaphor he liked to use for the sublime majesty of God). We too, sisters and brothers of Jesus, are sent into this world with a purpose, we are God’s beloved children, and we are joined to God by the Holy Spirit — we are temples of the Spirit. Already we are living in the life of the Trinity.” ~ Sacred Space
juat some of my thoughts of late….
the Holy Trinity…a picture..an image….calling out a response..of one who beholds….refuses to be pinned down….points to possibilities…possibilities to be human….in communities….to be human….building communities…taking risks….to be human…to be trinitarian….