Getting this email means so much to me …and the BLC family. thanks
To our very dear BLC family,
You have been a family to us when we really needed one. We cherish the times we spent growing, learning, praying and eating together. You opened your hearts to us and accepted us. Even though outwardly we look very different, we found connection and common ground in the things that really matter. We were nourished, challenged and changed by our short time together with you. God showed us yet another facet of His grace, His plan and His purpose through all of you.
Happy Anniversary, BLC! Enjoy your curry or whatever turns up under the red tent. Meanwhile we will be searching for a church in America where everyone is barefoot and that serves roti canai and mee hoon goreng after the service. =)
Amy, Eric, Noah and Eliana
when I read the barefoot bit … it connected with the two versions of “footprints” I used (classic version and ‘New’ version)to to open and close my sharing on the BLC Story – using the metaphors of walking and dancing!