I enjoyed the meatballs and chips at Ikea tonight. A bunch of us formerly know as “crazies” now “sinners anonymous” or “sinonymous” transformed the table for food into a table of fellowship and faith.
It’s wonderful when someone introduces you as “my pastor” – something “good” happens for me when those words are uttered. I’m thankful.
Glad I got a phonecall which became an opportunity for someone to “persevere” and join us tonight. I get the feeling she’s happy she did 🙂
We had a full attendance tonight… ok minus one who’s somewhere in USA and another still awaiting her first visit – and anyone else who may come our way.
It was funny to hear the reminders for us to get our last re-fill for our coffee/tea or soft drinks. We giggled when we were informed how the shuttle buses have been upgraded. We were also more conscious of our time. 10pm was time to go gome. For some they went for the “afterglow” round two!
“it was refreshing, and closest to experiencing a church again after many months” … it’s words like this that energize me further … I know it doesn’t happen all the time … but when it does … it’s worth a mini-celebration.
we started with our stories, then we entered the story in Mark’s gospel chapter 7 verse 24 onwards. We first acknowledge each other and the stories we carry with us, and then together we meet the syro-phonesian woman and witnessing her encounter with Jesus can shake us up a little … Jesus words: “I’m impressed!” These words stuck in my mind. The Message does help open new horizons when it comes to meditation.
The small Bible with small words caught my attention today.
This world is getting smaller and smaller these days.
The last 7 years have been a journey of enlarging my horizons indeed.
Had to make a decision today. Made me think about my inadequacies. Forced to check on what “moves” me more.
Surprised by actions taken by people – perhaps the intentions were “noble” but then good intentions are not what’s the only quality needed when it comes to helping people. Wisdom is crucial too. Having a more “together” mindset (and not individualistic) will REALLY help.
Got a fresher perspective of Martin Luther today … it ranges from “farting” to “freedom” 🙂 More in another post …
Been reading up some classic commentaries on the passage .. wow .. more than meets the eye 🙂
Yes Bob, more and more I get excited when we are willing to be surprised by the Scriptures afresh!
I’m glad I persevered that night to attend. It was a good time 🙂