I’ve been having loads of fun uploading some videos on YouTube.
When I heard about a very intelligent person was on the way to visit a little young “Orang Asli” (Indigenous) boy who’s in hospital, my heart was greatly encouraged because then I knew she’s someone who’s not only has her head sorted out pretty ok but has a heart to go with it. Well done!
Interesting how many a times we land up making decisions and then later scratching our head to work out more new decisions to patch up on the ones made earlier 😛
Ok time to post up the video …
I’m still laughing at the video I’m going to upload .. I think there’s some delays here and there.
Good meeting this morning with other pastors involved in education … agreements there, some good directions ahead … and lots of work in the area of implementation.
Elysia and I had some nice Father and Daughter time tonight which was nice … She kept wanting to eat my chicken rice. Sure, I did give her “some”.
Feeling pretty overloaded at times … there’s 101 things to be done. These random thoughts posts are therapeutic … for a while.
Glad to have caught up with some reading … I was suprised to relate to a lot of what Paul Ricoeur had to say (for more details check here. Hope to explore further leisurely.
My “experimental” attempt to immerse myself in the book of Galatians and then later try to do a “targum”-kind of presentation last saturday did me a lot of good. Do some degree there was an attempt towards “embodiment” in terms of presentation, but now it seems it’s also surfacing in my consciousness pretty regularly and my prayer it is that this process will impact the way I live – perform my faith in daily minutes and seconds!
It was wonderful to have some extended silence today .. I was reminded how often my life is so “noisy” and so is my faith and practice. The extended silence I think gave me some needed “catching up” to do internally.
i also tried to ‘targum-ise’ Phil 2 over the pulpit…after reading Colossians Remixed, ;>)
alwyn, then we should exchange notes .. I do think it’s a wonderful exercise to learn “contextualization”. The process of preparing and doing it and even the feedback unearths important assumptions and theological directions (or foundations?!).