I couldn’t resist the temptation to put the above photo up (please don’t be offended). But when I saw it in a Christian bookstore it raised my eyebrows.
Finally, I think I’m having a little bit more discipline in reading the always insightful Lesslie Newbigin as a springboard for my own thinking. The Gospel and Culture our Network input also has been useful. Skimming through an excellent article written by my previous lecturer in islam and now fellow pastor in the neighborhood Rev. Dr. Albert Walters, “Issues in Christian-Muslim Relations: A Malaysian Christian Perspective”.
Gareth did well today as far as speeding up the breakfast eating. he told me to remind his grandpa “gong gong” to come early to pick him. I think it’s because the last time my father-in-law was a little late and the feeling of being one of the few “left behind” when his friends went off wasn’t a pleasant experience.
had some conversations with a number of people lately … and it’s sad that the word “church” has no immediate relevance to them. I’m still waiting for some responses to “What cheers you up about Church?” which was after “What cheeses you off about Church?” … the responses are very educational.
I think my friend Jason Clark has also hit the nail when he talked about the need for self-critique on Christians as well since so much critique has been leveled on the “church” (especially the structures and institution). Like Jason, I agree that we need to seriously re-examine our churches and leadership – and also with more theological reflection. And with Jason, I too feel that Christian let themselves off the off the hook on a healthy self-examination and charting some humble ways to move forward. That’s why I look forward to hear what are the answers to “What have you done/are you doing about Church?” Listening to the MP3 while waiting for Gareth at school did me much good.
There’s perhaps 10 more minutes before I need to go ….
I’ve been hearing the buzz about the TV show Heroes the last 2 weeks. … my entertainment life is not in a hi right now … more time in books and articles… and I’ve hardly turned on the TV!
Need to pace myself this week … there’s a number of things lined up even until now.
I enjoyed visiting the LiFE Groups thus far … one more to go to complete my round for BLC. Looking forward to hang out with the “sinners” next tuesday before Chinese New Year. Wow … Chinese New year is coming so fast like a bullet train this year!
the weather is getting very dry and very hot! And now … a shower and off I go …
are u going to put that book in the library?
zewt, honestly the contents are not so appealing to me not because there’s nothing to critique about us, we are in need for much corrections, it’s because I think there are other books that are doing a better job. I’ll tell you more when I see you face to face. Blog comments are prone to being misread.