Journal of Lutheran Ethics (April 2007: Business Ethics)
I hope every Christian involved in business or are interested in it will read this issue. I will even though I’m not in the last 2 categories I mention. I’m merely curious.
Theology in the Life of the Church – The Lutheran World Federation
Feast away ….
Dancing with Consumerism
I’ve found Shane speaks in a way I can relate to living with my Dad who’s been in touch with advertising for years. I like the closing:
”The way that I think about engaging it is…well, let’s look at how Jesus interacted with his culture. Jesus used three primary movements in every context. The first movement is towards. So he was incarnational. He entered. People like to use the word relevant for this. But Jesus also moved against the culture, he was resistant. He overturned tables in the temple and said “You brood of vipers.” So he was both relevant and resistant. And third, Jesus withdrew to quiet places. He was also distant, he moved away. So you have three rhythmic movements of toward, against, and away—relevance, resistance, and distance. And none of those can be static. They always have to be happening.”
It almost feels too overwhelming … but then again… change has to start somewhere … usually it’s “here”.