I get the sense that Gareth is having a maturity growth sprout since the arrival of Baby Ewan. And yet, it’s also been a tough time for this sensitive soft hearted boy. Especially, when the adjustments for No. 2 Elysia has been trying and she’s pretty hard in her ways. Hang in there, son!
Life can be full of “Shoulds” or “Shouldn’ts” .. and though it may be interesting for conversation, after a while, we’re looking for what actually do we feel, and think and want …
Many have a self that has been decentered or at least distracted. One may feel he or she is in a desert of indecision or uncertainties. But deep down the yearning is to find a home – or be at home.
How can help others when it seems like they have it all figured out?
And yet, there are those who are aware of what’s wrong but feel disempowered to do anything. At least for now.
It’s amazing how I’ve managed to do 30minutes of more solid exercise the last two days. Of course, listening to some lectures and forums helped. I meant listening while I was doing the exercise.
Feeling some aches now. A little tired.
Missed Gareth today. We had less time together today. Only the morning for a little while.
This week is one of the most packed weeks for me since Ewan’s birth.
It’s good to feel a little more organized, and in the process of decluttering, and becoming a little bit more efficient. Yes, it’s easy to pride oneself and focusing on being effective. But it’s a false dichotomy. The steps be falsely distracting for the big picture. But we can’t get to where we want to be without some small steps. In fact lots of steps.
Looks like I’m falling a sleep even as I type.
Better go …