Dear friends in contact and family in Christ,
I got an SMS today (not the rumor type:-) ) which reminded me that whatever one thinks about this transition of leadership we are undergoing in Malaysia, it’s good to cover these challenging times in prayer.
May I invite you to do so, in humility and honesty we bring out requests and intercessions before God our father who rules over all the universe and who hears us, Christ who leads us step by step and the Spirit who is able to breath creative work over what may appear to be chaotic waters.
What shall we pray specifically? Well, I invite you to begin by praying honestly, and tell God what is in your heart. I don’t think he would reject that, he would embrace our fragile cries.
We do so trusting in his ultimate wisdom.
May it be a prayer guided by the Lord’s prayer … especially, "May your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven". . .
. . . not only to the nation as a whole,
but also to us as well.
Let’s say a little prayer for this home we call Malaysia.