Waiting is such a strange discipline. It’s disarming because you are simply not in control. But we like to be in control, we want to set the pace for what we want to do.
Charting sketches for an imaginable future is responsible. In fact, I’ve always been intrigued by our human ability to picture in our minds what is possible. It’s simple amazing how we can live in the light of the future.
Paradoxically, we could also live in the comfort of the past, or for some the prison of the past depending where we are in relation to the past.
But, now we’re talking about waiting and the future.
This morning’s sacred space opening is timely.
Jesus invites to himself all those who labour and are burdened. The phrase ‘comfort zone’ is used of the state where we feel life is under control and satisfactory. Jesus is inviting those who are not in the comfort zone, who feel oppressed by anxiety and uncertainty. I am often weary, Lord, and my burden feels heavy on me. When I look at Christians, some of them indeed seem relaxed and easy in your company. Others appear uptight and driven, not restful people to be near. You are a gentle, humble presence. If I feel under pressure in prayer, something is wrong. It is a sign of your presence to me that my soul feels rested.
How can we live with our souls rested in a world which is categorized mostly by being driven and burdened? How do we stand above the messy expectations crashing to our consciousness whether planned or thrown at us? How do we learn to wait when the urge to be control and move things along in our so called predicted timing?
Wait! Perhaps, it’s times like now when we can treasure even a short moment of “solitude”. Doesn’t have to be long, but it needs to be significant. A significant silent solitude. Then even when we drive along the crowded highway and get on with our day, there is a tinge of restfulness.
That’s the irony the more we are able to wait, be restful, and don’t require to be in control, then we are more composed and clear headed. The clutter can begin to settle or even get sorted as we trod along.
Looks like I have quite a list of things to do. Loads to uncluttering to do 🙂 A decent about of human defragmentation. Trying to get back to normal rhythm (if that were ever possible). The world out their still spins and spins. What’s key is my heart won’t spin out of orbit!
This personal ‘solitude’ was precious, tomorrow night we’ll practice ‘solitude’ in the presence of others. Learning to wait again, letting go so we can be open for a fresh embrace of gentle, humble presence.