Thanks Jason Clark for this post (which I will reproduce here with some recent pictures of Bangsar Lutheran Church) There I said it. I sometimes wonder if at present that kind of statement puts you up there with the ‘crazies’. Kind of like saying Margaret Thatcher was a warm gentle person, or that Tony Blair’s…
Category: Emergent/Emerging Churches
Leron is here … so far so good
Leron Shults has arrived safely, and we’ve had a pretty good intro to Kuala Lumpur I think 🙂 He looks happy, and we’re happy to have someone who’s so open and willing to interact with us for the Day seminar 9.30am -4.30pm as well as Evening meeting at 8pm, Friday, January 18, 2008 at Bangsar…
Becoming … Changing … with F.LeRon Shults
I’m looking forward to welcome Leron with Yew Khuen tomorrow. And especially looking forward to the conversations we will have in private and also during the simple Conversation with F.Leron Shults event on Friday. To those who haven’t decided to come you are still very much welcome 🙂 The Day Time Seminar-like-conversation event starts on…
Signs of Emergence: A Vision for Church That Is Always Organic/Networked/Decentralized/Bottom-Up/Communal/Flexible/Always Evolving (I)
I have a confession to make. 🙂 I find these cool long subtitles like “A Vision for Church That Is Always Organic/Networked/Decentralized/Bottom-Up/Communal/Flexible/Always Evolving” quite sexy … With that off my chest, I think it’s time to share some of the books which have caught my attention the past year. Now, craze right now perhaps is…
Registration Open for Friends in Conversation 2008 with LeRon Shults *Updated*
The Conversation with F. LeRon Shults 2008 Event is progressing slowly. Good to see some registrations coming in. Here’s the Friends in Conversation 2008 Final Flyer Feel free to pass the word around to as many whom you feel would benefit from this event. I would love to see more church leaders, pastors and younger…
Friends in Conversation towards Ripples of Change 2008
What happens when Friends in Conversation(emergentMalaysia) and RoH Malaysia converges their energy at the beginning of the year? 🙂
Conversation with F. LeRon Shults 2008 *Updated*
Friends in Conversation 2008 Final Flyer (25cents Version pdf) Ready for a ride to the future? Together with fellow pilgrims of course … Click on this Conversation with F.LeRon Shults (Kuek version pdf) for to spread the word. Time is short. And BLC is not a megachurch building … but I assure you it will…
LeRon Shults helping us to emerge from our slumber?
LeRon Shults via kwout We didn’t expect this a month ago … but then 2008 seems to be full of surprises. I’m looking forward to what January 18 awaits us. Books those dates if you are interested. Email me for more info! Sherman is especially excited about the opportunity to engage in conversation on the…
emerging church postcards 07
Steve Taylor has this great idea of emerging church postcards 07. He’s looking for contributions with the following: a) 1 photo of your emerging community this (07) year; plus a few sentences in response to these 4 questions; b) green – what has grown? what has potential into a new year? c) yellow – what…
Emergent Milk
Are we on the verge of the Great Emergence? I’ve always enjoyed Phyllis Tickle’s insights .. and her accent! “Emerging or emergent Christianity is the new form of Christianity that will serve the whole of the Great Emergence in the same way that Protestantism served the Great Reformation,” she said, in a speech that mixed…