Thanks Tony Jones, for a glimpse to into what’s emerging …:-)
Category: Emergent/Emerging Churches
Tony Jones Interview
I watched all three of the clips at one go and thoroughly enjoyed myself 🙂 Emergent Village Coordinator, Author and my friend Tony Jones looks like he’s having a great time too! There’s quite a lot of ground covered here in such a short time. I love the ending … or shall I say the…
Emergent Strikes Back
Brian McLaren Responds to Everything Must Change Concerns As a pastor, I say Amen to Brian here … I was deeply impacted a few years ago by Alan Roxburgh at one of our events (you may have been there?) when he said, the church is like a person who gets invited to a party and…
Conversations with Tony Jones
My friend Tony Jones is pretty good in articulating his thoughts moving at ease with word pictures to more than one syllable words! 🙂
Emergent Chinese New Year "Yee Sang"
It’s been a while since I’ve done this, before the Chinese New Year Celebrations wrap up, I’ll post up some long overdue links. Pubs, Clubs and Altworship Eye-grabbing title to draw the discussion deeper into more critical concerns. check out some main themes the author brings out: Community: Emergent Christians place a premium on community,…
Churches on the other side …
Thanks again to calvinaltworship for a glimpse into the UK scene. Soul Space Grace Church
Conversations with Johnny Baker
Many thanks to calvinaltworship for making these videos available. Here’s the series with Johnny Baker. What is Church? A personal story of hope … The Role of technology in the emergent church How can we love God and our neighbor better?
LeRon Shults talking about Fame
I missed a segment on Leron talking about money. But here’s two clips related to fame. So we had quite a journey from Food to Fame during the intense day sessions. I’m glad to read Leron is safe back at Norway. I’d be looking forward to read his reflections soon. After meeting Leron and listening…
Leron Shults talking about Sex
I must confess … there were quite a number of light bulb moments during this talk!
LeRon Shults talking about Food
It was quite refreshing to listen to a theologian start talking from the topic of Food … and of course, it’s never just about what we consume physically, but more of how in our relating with food, and relating with others during the consumption of food theological insights which are relevant for transformation 🙂 Here’s…