Nicely angled, I put the rectangular placetic table facing the sky and greenary (whatever that’s left behind the Father’s House), the wall behind my back and the fan turned to a gentle 3.
The weather was cooling for a Malaysian morning. Though it may seem gloomy and cloudy without a strong sunshine, but I liked the calm environment. It’s amazing how near I am to the heart of the city since we’re at the edge of Bangsar, but there’s Sacred Space carved out even here! And now, the “Pilgrim’s Zone” as I like to call our newly cemented, fan & light equipped former eating area is transformed to a place where God’s Word can restore life into my soul (i.e. life)
The “Pilgrim’s Zone” is kind of an in between “sacramental space” to keep me along the pilgrimage with the Spirit. I like it. It’s new and renewing. Makes me want to come earlier to the Father’s House and be slower to run to the computer. Because when that happens .. then the roller coaster day rolls really fast!