Two New Lists – Getting Rid of BAD Discipleship Paradigms
This was so simple but very helpful – From a focus on “Do and Don’t Do” List –> what is “Constructive” or “Destructive” List. How come I didn’t think of that?
Missional Leaders: Architects of the Imagination
“Pastors are architects of the imagination. All that we do in administration, liturgical life, visitation and pastoral care can be bent toward the chief task of forming an imagination among the people of God so that they can enter God’s future.” … now this is profound and personally engaging my imagination. Nourishment for my soul on a Sunday evening.
Subversive Interview – Dallas Willard (via emergesque)
In this three-part interview, Relevant Magazine’s Keith Giles speaks candidly with Dr. Willard about the two opposing theologies of atonement-centered Christianity and disciple-making Christianity, and the state of modern Christianity today
Ten Years to 184 Million Small Group Participants
I know for many of us it’s more than just about the numbers. But is there a place for a healthy understanding of what the “numbers” can mean? or at least to stir our thinking … as a pressure … I’d say no. To make me pause and think, why not?
Kabod Has Left the Building?
meditative reading for the upcoming ministerium meeting for my denomination … hmmm.
The Liberal Arts
This young lad stayed in my house for a couple of months. He’s “blossomed” into quite a brain. some pretty good links here (will take ages for me to work through them). I think it’s strictly for mavens … I’ll like the connector role 🙂