THE POLITICS OF JESUS : An Anabaptist Understanding Of The New Testament (via Prodigal Kiwi)
a simplified summary of John H. Yoder’s classic book by Nathan Hobby with James Patton. I need to watch book spending … summaries help to delay the purchases for a short while 🙂
born again?
we talked about the John 3:1-17 passage in the last district pastors prayer meeting. It’s interesting to look back on how I used to rigidly define this phrase and today how enriched I am by more insights like this one from Maggi.
Nourishing Imagination: Using Direct Speech
In a speed reading world, quality blogs like this and the links inside requires one to learn to read slowly.
The things to do
My wife May Chin would say … “I didn’t need to read this article to know this!”
Getting things done
I like the 2 minute rule.
Biblical advice for bloggers
Back to the Bible for bloggers? 🙂 Pretty good advice I must say.