These are some reflections I chose From Christianity Today to put in the booklet we used for the Stations of the Cross on Monday-Wednesay and tonight. We have become insensitive to the infinite tension which is implied in the words of the Apostles’ Creed: “suffered … was crucified, dead, and buried … rose again from…
Day: March 25, 2005
Random Links 29
Writing the Message I quickly downloaded the MP3s to hear what went behind the scenes in Eugene Petersons’ effort to produde the Message. emerAnt: The Skinny on the Global Emerging Church All in one page links and still being updated. Facinating stuff. Rick Warren on Larry King Live Quick bedtime reading for tonight. Wow! He…
Churches worth staying in
From Mark Greer Stuart shared the following vision of characteristics that might help churches become a church that people want to stay in rather than leave: * Churches where God is at the centre, rather than the minister, programme or growth targets. * Churches that nurture authentic friendships rather than insipid ‘fellowship’ or institutional belonging….
A Psalm for Maundy Thursday
…A Psalm for Maundy Thursday: (via Wes Roberts) Tonight Lord Jesus Christ You sat at supper with your friends. It was a simple meal that final one of lamb unleavened bread and wine. Afterward You went out to die. How many other meals You shared beside the lake fried fish and toasted bread at Simon’s…