Here’s some not so random links for those who are following the “discussion” or “conversation”, I’m eavesdropping to hear, and keeping my eyes open to see how my western brothers (and sisters) work this out .. :
The Emerging Storm: DA Carson, Andrew Jones and Scot McKnight
Thanks Stephen for a little outline
An Open Blog Post for Don Carson 1.0
We probably heard of open letters but this open blog is one unique blog … if D.A. Carson responds that would be really cool and better on the credibility of his critique. How media has changed the speed and in some ways the rules of discourse.
The Carson Chronicles – Where Now?
This is quite a fascinating sequence of events now with Prof. Scott McKnight who’s blogging at Jesus Creed entering the picture. Which reminds me if i could manage to encourage those teaching in Malaysian seminaries to blog that would be a great “achievement” in 2005 🙂
emergAnt: The Skinny on the Global Emerging Church
Andrew Jones is definately another voice (apart from Brian Mclaren) that I’ve been followign with interest the last five years! Both are worth listening … of course there are a variety of voices out there … these are the ones I’ve emailed or met face to face : Jason Clark, Tony Jones, Karen Ward , those on the emergent-US blog, a wider feel is found in Planet Emergent, etc.
The Emerging Conversation: Unabridged
This is a good place to begin hearing the different voices. Good questions with good answers.
what is emergent?
a sample three minute response
Just who is emergent, anyway?
another interesting attempt to give some framework for self-identity
So what is emergent?
Another attempt I stumbled into .. 🙂
Emergent is not the Emerging Church
Ah .. my friend Jason Clark tries to make things clear from his angle.
It’s quite exciting to see how dynamic this “emergent” and/or “emerging church” thing has become. of course, with the so called “criticism” that has come in one way or another it forces people who are involved in the conversation to work on clarity when we’ve enjoyed the under the radar “creative space” thus far.
when I first was in touch with this conversation five years ago and throughout, I actualy enjoyed the low-profile-ness or this whole thing, especially with the internet .. there was a kind of freedom just to listen to thoughts (especially in blogs) and also interact with people in the English speaking Christian world from USA, UK, Australia and New Zealand … plus other surprising contacts here and there. I can see well able people “giving a reason” (or “defense” or “clarification”) for why and what they are doing (as you can read in all the links above). As for us here in Malaysia, we’re still very much just getting started to get ourselves a little more organized and connected.
It’s interesting to see how all this will turn out in the next 5 years time. 5 years ago I didn’t expect this .. much of the pleasant outcome as well as the not so pleasant ones. But then again, what’s next is equally going to be surprising isn’t it?
As usual the Asian, Latin American and African voices are still pretty quiet. And maybe some like me are quietly observing our western counterparts. As for me, it’s still it’s very much still one step at a time … I don’t want to be too distracted by this “storm” and yet I cannot “ignore” it as well.
Yup we don’t want to be distracted by the debate(s) elsewhere but we don’t want to ignore them either.
A stance of humility means we want to learn from the world wide body of Christ.
Still our ultimate goal must be the struggle as to how we can live for Christ and serve in His Name in ways that are rooted in Scripture and relevant to real life. It is a commitment to a continuing Reformation.