I know some people are caught in the debates about creation and evolution … and the discussions surrounding science and religon. But, this one from S.K. is quite a twist and turn on the words and the mind – perhaps it helps too with daily u-turns (repentance)
“God creates out of nothing, wonderful, you say: yes, to be sure, but he does what is still more wonderful: he makes saints out of sinners.”~ Soren Kiekergaard, July 7, 1838
I know there’s a place for more intellectual questions (usually tend to be a little more detached and academic in nature) but once we connect it with daily existence it does make a difference in the way we live (or choose not to live).
S.K. is right on in this one!
this is a WONDERFUL post!
Maybe to create something out of nothing (ex nihilo) and to make saints out of sinners are just two facets of the same creative power. 🙂
wah, heavily into our Danish fren nowadays, huh? 🙂
i’m re-digging into Nietzsche (did i spell dat rite?)…let’s see what happens…