Thanks DJ for offering us his recorded conversations. I think this is a good example of what the emergent conversation is about from our “limited points of view”. Here’s the downloads for part 1 (mp3) & part 2 (mp3). There were some “robotic sounding” moments perhaps because of the internet connection (mostly when I was…
Day: August 28, 2006
Uncommon Decency: Christian Civility in an Uncivil World
“Can Christians be civil in a world falling apart? In these wild and diverse times, prolifers square off against prochoicers, gay liberationists confront champions of the traditional family, husbands and wives face each other in court, artists attack legislators, and “politically correct” intellectuals abhor crusading fundamentalists. Philosopher and ethicist Richard Mouw is concerned that, too…
2nd Asian American Emergents Skypecast
Thanks to DJ Chuang for inviting me to 2nd Asian American Emergents Skypecast. As you can see my “link” to the conversation was due to the words “Asian” and “Emergent”. But more importantly, because DJ Chuang and I have been in touch with each other for some time. So, at heart it’s this friendship that…