It’s good to be back to a familiar bed (the one above) in Bayreuth. Sleeping in different beds during this 26 days in Germany is very much part of this whole experience here. So, it’s not just the official “Teaching-Preaching” program that I’m part of. Last night was the first time I ever slept in a room at a special home for the elderly (the bed is the picture below). Due to some arrangement difficulties, both Christian Pohl and I were not able to be housed at one of the church members home. And she was kind enough to make this special arrangement for us.. We even had breakfast at the canteen at the home for the elderly canteen this morning!
Again, there’s more than I can post right now as the physical body is tired after two days of traveling to and fro from Marktheidenfeld. The trip there was a short focused trip with a one night stay arranged with the help of Gerhad Durst a young 33 year old pastor who is involved in religious education in schools as well as the youth work of the parish.
Christian Pohl was a good driver and a wonderful conversation partner. The topics of our conversations went beyond the state of the Church in Germany to especially his experiences and interests in East Africa. Here’s an Article he contributed for the Dictionary of African Christian Biography on an interesting man Paul Pera , also called Paulo Mwamribwa , who was the founder of the first protestant mission school in the Gombero area in Digoland, Tanzania. I was encouraged to see Christian’s desire to uplift the contribution of the local people during the missionary era in Africa.
Tomorrow until Sunday, I will be sleeping in a different bed. Tonight, I’m planning to get some needed rest in the bed in Bayreuth (the first one above!) 🙂 Not sure whether I can managed any blog posts until Sunday evening. So until the next round … Cheers!