There’s much to chew on in these classic texts. The Doctrine of the Mean brought up some hidden surprises which in some sense gave me words of some of the intuitive approaches I’ve already been using unaware.
Some excerpts to jump start my brain juices and heart currents:
Zhongyong I. 3.
There is nothing more visible than what is secret, and nothing more manifest than what is minute. Therefore the superior man is watchful over himself, when he is alone.
Zhongyong VI. 1.
The Master said, “There was Shun:– He indeed was greatly wise! Shun loved to question others, and to study their words, though they might be shallow. He concealed what was bad in them and displayed what was good. He took hold of their two extremes, determined the Mean, and employed it in his government of the people. It was by this that he was Shun!”
Zhongyong X. 1
Tsze-lû asked about energy.
Zhongyong X. 2.
The Master said, “Do you mean the energy of the South, the energy of the North, or the energy which you should cultivate yourself?
Zhongyong X. 3.
“To show forbearance and gentleness in teaching others; and not to revenge unreasonable conduct:– this is the energy of Southern regions, and the good man makes it his study.
Zhongyong X. 4.
“To lie under arms; and meet death without regret:– this is the energy of Northern regions, and the forceful make it their study.
Zhongyong X. 5.
“Therefore, the superior man cultivates a friendly harmony, without being weak.– How firm is he in his energy! He stands erect in the middle, without inclining to either side. — How firm is he in his energy! When good principles prevail in the government of his country, he does not change from what he was in retirement.– How firm is he in his energy! When bad principles prevail in the country, he maintains his course to death without changing.– How firm is he in his energy!”
I’m pretty amazed how relevant the above wisdom is for today. Food for thought tonight.