Even after seeing this a second round, the tears just flowed.
Fiancee’s tribute to Teoh
During the last rites on 20th July, Teoh’s two-month pregnant fiancee Soh Sher Wei delivered a moving tribute.
Soh said she misses Teoh dearly and promised that she will bring up their unborn child for him. Many were in tears as they listened to her.
The Translation
Beng Hock. You left me so suddenly without any messages.
You said we have so many things we have yet to do together
There are a lot of places we were suppose to visit
You said you would accompany me all the way
Now, what should I do?
How can I see you again?
I think of you constantly.
念著你 我只要你回来,回来我的身边
I’m thinking of you… I want you to come back, come back to my side…
Over the past few days, I keep thinking of you,
But it has been a disappointment.
我只想知道你现在过得好不好,痛不痛 ?
I just want to know if you are alright, are you in pain…?
Will you make me wait? Let me see you once. Just once is enough.
When my tears are unable to wake up you,
I still cannot believe you have left me forever.
Today, I still have to say goodbye.
I promise you, I will lead a proper life.
But, you must promise to be beside me, and raise (the child) with me.
Beng Hock, journey in this life has ended.
But I hope, if there is a next life, I really hope that you and I can continue our journey.
May you rest in peace
Justice for Beng Hock Petition to 10,000
At the time of this post it stands at 7942, if you feel the nudge in you and haven’t signed. You may do so now.
Royal Commission to probe MACC
Okay, so there will be a Royal Commission . . . but . . .
Commission of inquiry: Soaking up public disquiet?
Anil speaks what’s on many of our minds or articulating what many of us intuitively feel.
By setting up a commission of inquiry and inquest, the Najib administration, apart from its stated objective of uncovering the truth, hopes to quell the anger over what has happened.
While many would welcome the setting up a commission of inquiry, we need to ask what impact previous commissions of inquiry have had.
What is the status of the key recommendations of those inquiries. into the operations of the police, the nude squats video, the Lingam video.
Is anyone even monitoring the status of the implementation of those recommendations?
We still don’t have an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission, the most important recommendation of the royal commission looking into the operations and management of the police.
Has our judiciary regained its independence and enhanced its credibility following the Lingamgate commission of inquiry?
Are the human rights of suspects and detainees now respected and upheld after the nude squats commmission of inquiry?
Selangor questions why two separate proceedings used to probe Teoh’s death
I wonder whether most people on the ground got the nuance that there will be two separate proceedings?
The state government believes the RCI should probe the political secretary’s death in its entirety and is questioning why two separate proceedings are going to be used to investigate the issues which are not only closely related but involves the same witnesses.
UPDATE: No Royal Commission for Teoh Beng Hock?
It’s not over yet . it merely has begun.
I would like to remind all Malaysians to be vigilant. The formation of a RCI is only a first tiny step. Justice for Teoh must still be served! Until then, the people must continue to push for the administration to do what is right.
A more personal piece from Hannah Yeoh
Beng Hock’s death has brought painful remembrance of my personal loss. Beng Hock was my friend. I last saw him in the Dewan Annex at the Selangor State Assembly last Wednesday during our lunch break. I never imagined that that would be the last time we chatted. I am 30 years old. Beng Hock was 30 too. He would not be at MACC if he hadn’t accepted the call of public service. This race in which I have started to run to bring change in this land is not an easy one. I know some will stop running. Some may be injured running the race. I pray I will complete the race.
“Politicising” Teoh Beng Hock’s death – Where do we draw the line?
Nat Tan chips in . . .
While we continue to struggle to bring integrity to politics, *both* from the outside and the inside, there is to my mind no ignoring the political element in this wrongful death.
I too would seriously caution politicians, and advise them to choose their words with great care. Exploiting a man’s death to advance one’s own goals is reprehensible, so every care must be taken to ensure that where politics is engaged, it is engaged with a view to justice for all.
Umno members gather in support of MACC, police
Somehow I had a feeling this was coming.
The names shows this concerns us ALL.
sher-wei’s words cut right thru. she needs that unimaginable peace of God right now.