“Theologia crucis is not a single chapter in theology, but the key-signature for all Christian theology.” ~ Jurgen Moltmann
It’s nice to get a hold of this book to focus my mind for this week. It was actually sparked by the following two articles from the Lutheran by Theologian Douglas John Hall to start off Holy Week 2004.
The theology of the cross for our day. Here’s a little appetizer:
“For Luther, neither those who say it’s all bad nor those who say it’s all good represent rightly the biblical view of the human condition. Life is a voyage on the great murky sea of “inbetween.” The trick is how to navigate one’s frail boat with eyes wide open to the real perils of the depths, yet with courage and expectancy.”
Beyond the cross of Calvary with an intro like the following, one must read on:
“The theology of the cross isn’t just about Jesus’ crucifixion and its meaning for us, although the cross of Calvary is, of course, its central symbol — its window on the world.”
Sivin, thanks so much for the links, I was thinking about getting the book too.