Of course, I’ll carry on my “imaginary conversation” slowly .. because it’s going to be a busy two weeks for me .. I’m trying to be an “unbusy” pastor … but I will fail upfront these two weeks as far as busyness is concerned. Loads of repenting and realignment after these two weeks 🙂 after…
Day: May 23, 2005
Preference: Critique or Conversation?
I’ve always found it hard to enter into a “critique” mode … I find it hard to do a book review and offer a critique on the authors ideas. By this I don’t mean I’ve tossed out the need to be criticial or as a person I don’t easily dish out criticisms. What I’m saying…
The Blogger’s Prayer
Thanks to Chronicles of William for bringing up to surface again this prayer … 🙂 The Blogger’s Prayer 1.1 by Andrew Jones (June, 2002) Our Father who lives above and beyond the dimension of the internet Give us this day a life worth blogging, The access to words and images that express our journey with…