I’m looking forward to speak-facilitate-have fun-engage-in-conversations with a bunch of medical and pharmacy students tomorrow and Saturday. Their Christian fellowship president highlighted more than once in an email … they are not nerds. Now I’m wondering whether I am one 🙂
Just got two emails the last two days asking for my bio information … hmm … this makes me think deeper how should I describe myself .. what should I put in, what should I leave out … My standard intro has been … My name is Sivin Kit, I’m a man of one wife, Father of 2 kids for starters, Pastor of Bangsar Lutheran church, I think it’s time to mention I’m the Emergent contact for Malaysia and am somehow part of the conversation and figuring out how to bring people together for further interaction, … Hmm … need to have something out by tomorrow.
It’s going to be a pretty tight weekend with 4 sessions at a Varsity CF camp in Peace Haven, Genting, rush back and one Sunday morning message, then a 4 hour seminar (phew! I’m participating and not speaking! Still physically demanding), then next Monday off to Cameron highlands for the denomination pastors retreat I think I’m translating for at least 3 sessions and leading worship for one (maybe I should do a “let’s be silent” for 30 minutes thing?) Then, back to KL for normal life – what normal life .. I’ll miss the kids and my wife (must put that in coz she reads the blog! Hi dear!)
Pretty excited to see my article on Movies come out this week in the Kairos Magazine. And really looking forward to see the other one “Second thoughts on Children and more” coming out in July/August for an overseas publication (I’ll mention it once it’s finalized and printed.) I never imagined I’d having a chance to write these pieces. I enjoyed them thoroughly ..
I was really happy to sort out some administrative stuff for BLC and the educational programmes for the denomination. so, hopefully we’ll be able to manage a simple 1 day seminar for pastors and an evening session for lay leaders. As usual, I’m more excited about the potential relationships that could grow out of that. A fellow pastor was on the phone with me and talked about organizing some sort of “forum” for pastors to engage in more serious and intense discussion or even debate on theological topics. We’ll brianstorm some possibilities at the retreat. Then I’ll ask our consultant in theology to organize that! 🙂 I’ve got enough load as it is … but good suggestions.
May Chin is going back to work next monday so it’s going to be another transition and adjustment for us … God has been merciful, we have been merciful to each other and ourselves 🙂 It’s quite a journey together .. now that it’s the four of us in the family.
From a good hymnal I happen to know.
The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make his face shine upon you and give you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favour and give you peace. Amen Amen A – men.