These are timely words for me to put into practice … thanks Kitty Cheng for the reminder.
1. Thou shalt NOT be perfect, nor try to be.
2. Thou shalt NOT try to be all things to all people.
3. Thou shalt leave things undone that ought to be done.
4. Thous shalt NOT spread thyself too thin.
5. Thou shalt learn to say NO.
6. Thou shalt schedule time for thyself, and thy supportive network.
7. Thou shalt switch off, do nothing, regularly.
8. Thou shalt be boring, untidy, inelegant and unattractive at times.
9. Thou shalt NOT even feel guilty!
10. Especially, thou shalt NOT be thine own worst enemy, but be thy best friend.
Sivin, why no. 4 is about leaving things UNDONE?
Well, in the nature of the list, perhaps it’s because we ALWAYS have things to get done, so the only way to take a break is to leave some things undone… for the time being.
One of Max Lucado’s books (I think it’s ‘And the Angels Were Silent’) has this chapter titled ‘Don’t Just Do Something, Stand There!’
Thanks Sivin for the list. i’m happily doing some of them. destructive stress is certainly not really goood.